Jenny Korean Class – New Version

Jenny’s New Class!

Jenny’s Korean consists of four chapters, and each chapter has a mission task that needs to be completed independently by the learners.

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I. Jenny’s Korean Alphabet Hangul (14개 강의 • 1시간 36분)

In the first chapter, Jenny’s Hangul, we are going to learn a fundamental aspect of the Korean language. It’s the Korean alphabet, which is called Hangul. We will go over the historical background and structure of Hangul as well as Korean consonants and vowels.

  • [1-1] The Historical Background of Hangul 04:08
  • [1-2] The structure of syllable 05:29
  • [1-3] Formation of Vowel, Chun-ji-in principle 03:26
  • [1-4] Combined vowels & Korean consonants ‘ㅇ’ 12:10
  • [1-5] Vowels Writing practice 10:51
  • [1-6] Vowels Pronunciation practice 09:00
  • [1-7] Principle of forming Hangul consonants, 5+14 07:09
  • [1-8] Korean consonants ㅇ,ㅎ + Korean vowels 07:24
  • [1-9] Korean consonants ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ + Korean vowel s07:13
  • [1-10] Korean consonants ㄱ,ㅋ,ㄲ+ Korean vowels 08:27
  • [1-11] Hangul consonants ㅂ,ㅃ,ㅍ + Hangul vowels 04:58
  • [1-12] Korean consonants ㄷ,ㄸ,ㅌ + Korean vowels 05:36
  • [1-13] Korean consonants ㅈ,ㅊ,ㅉ + Korean vowels 05:26
  • [1-14] Korean consonants ㅅ,ㅆ + Korean vowels 05:04

2. Jenny’s Korean Vocabulary (10개 강의 • 2시간 24분)

The second chapter is Jenny’s Korean Vocabulary.
In the first unit of this chapter, I will show you how to write ‘smartphone’ in Korean and other words from English.
In unit 2, we will learn vocabulary related to Korean culture, such as the Korean national flag, flowers and Korean traditional sports.
From units 3 to 10, we will learn more practical vocabulary about places, food, jobs, things, family names, numbers, time, dates, days of the week etc.
Hopefully you will get used to Korean culture as well as Korean vocabulary from this chapter.

  • [2-1] Korean Words from English 17:12
  • [2-2] Korean Words related to Korean culture 08:58
  • [2-3] Korean Words related to places 14:39
  • [2-4] Korean Words related to food 09:19
  • [2-5] Korean Words related to Jobs 12:54
  • [2-6] Korean Words related to Things 17:13
  • [2-7] Korean Words related to Family 13:43
  • [2-8] Korean Words related to Numbers 27:46
  • [2-9] Korean Words related to Date and Day of the Week 12:09
  • [2-10] Korean Words related Time 10:29

3. Jenny’s Korean Grammar (10개 강의 • 2시간 22분)

The third chapter is Jenny’s Korean Grammar. We will start with a very basic beginner level of Korean grammar that is essential part of making Korean sentences. We’ll be focusing on tense of Korean adjectives, verbs and several ways of making negative expressions.

  • [3-1] 이다(to be) 17:28
  • [3-2] 있다(to exist, to have) 16:30
  • [3-3] Tense (1) Present Tense A/V-(스)ㅂ니다. 13:44
  • [3-4] Tense (2) Present Tense A/V-아/어요. 18:09
  • [3-5] Tense (3) Past Tense A/V-았/었어요. 17:04
  • [3-6] Tense (4) Future Tense V-(으)ㄹ 거예요. 09:27
  • [3-7] Tense (5) Progressive Tense V-고 있다. 07:49
  • [3-8] Negative Expressions (1) Word Negation 15:23
  • [3-9] Negative Expressions (2) 안 A/V-아/어요(A/V-지 않아요) 15:39
  • [3-10] Negative Expressions (3) 못 V-아/어요(V-지 못해요) 11:12

4. Jenny’s Korean Writing (10개의 강의 • 1시간 42분)

The last chapter is Jenny’s Korean Writing.
In this final chapter, we will try to write short essays like self-introduction, and letters in Korean based on what we have learned so far.
Can you imagine that you can write an essay in Korean? If you think that it’s not possible now, that’s ok. If you follow my guideline with confidence, you can easily achieve your goal!
There’s a Korean old saying goes, 시작이 반이다 which means “Well begun is half done.”
Even if you do not know Korean at all, please do not worry. I will help you to do it! If you complete all chapters of Jenny’s Korean, you will be at a level that you might have only dreamed of beforehand.

  • [4-1] Self-Introduction미리 보기10:31
  • [4-2] Family08:32
  • [4-3] Daily activities08:54
  • [4-4] Daily schedule14:29
  • [4-5] Weekend Activities11:25
  • [4-6] Shopping08:08
  • [4-7] Future plans11:11
  • [4-8] Season & Weather09:37
  • [4-9] Hobby07:20
  • [4-10] Writing a letter

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